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Bonita Unified School District

Bonita Unified School District


We have had some inquiries regarding health care… people are interested and want to learn more about this topic.  In an effort to improve our knowledge, HRD intends to include Health Care updates in the new "Benefits Corner" of our webpage.
Recently, The Henry J. Kaiser foundation released, “2016 Employer Health Benefits Survey.” Here’s a snapshot of the survey…

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $18,142 this year, up 3 percent from last year, with workers on average paying $5,277 towards the cost of their coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Education Trust 2016 Employer Health Benefits Survey. The 2016 survey includes information on the use of incentives for employer wellness programs, plan cost-sharing as well as firm offer rate. Survey results are released here in a variety of ways, including a full report with downloadable tables on a variety of topics, summary of findings, and an article published in the journal Health Affairs.

For the complete summary go to: KFF 2016 Employer Health Benefits Survey
Click here to access an initial overview report of our benefits from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.