Trustee Area Process
General Info
The Bonita Unified School District currently does not have trustee areas for the members of the Board of Education. It currently utilizes a "from trustee/at-large" method of election to select Board members. Under state law, a "from trustee/at-large" method of election may be subject to challenge under the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (CVRA) California Elections Code 14025, et seq.
The District’s intention is to move through this process with authenticity and transparency. If there are any suggestions, questions or concerns, please contact the Board of Education and the Superintendent at the email below.
The public hearings and supporting documents, including draft maps, can be accessed at the tabs above.
Public hearings can be viewed at the links below.
Supporting Doc
Resolution 2022-08, Board Committment to Whole District Representation can be viewed in the link below.
Presentations that have been given to the Board of Education from the District's legal council and demographers are attached for review. The presentations provide an overview of the California Voting Right's Act and its effects on elections.
On January 5, 2022, the Board of Education reviewed and discussed eight map scenarios. After thorough review and discussion, the Board eliminated four map scenarios; maps 1, 2, 4 and 6. Map scenarios 3, 5, 7 and 8 were held over for further discussion. These remaining map scenarios can be viewed at the links below. Please note, for consistency, map scenarios will retain their original scenario number. Upon request maps 1, 2, 4 and 6 are available by contacting the District Office.
If there are any suggestions, questions or concerns, please contact the Board of Education and the Superintendent at the email below.