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Bonita Unified School District

Bonita Unified School District

Human Resources



Kevin Lee, Ed.D. - Assistant Superintendent
909-971-8200 x5400
Click here to email

Jane Lamb - Administrative Assistant
909-971-8200 x5401
Carla LaBreau - Personnel Analyst - Classified
909-971-8200 x5402
Ananda Kohler - Personnel Technician, Benefits
909-971-8200 x5404
Jackie Villegas - Personnel Technician, Credentialing
909-971-8200 x5403
Click here to email
Ivanna Salazar - Clerk III, Personnel
909-971-8200 x5407
For AB 2534 requests, please contact Jane Lamb at (former certificated employees) or Jackie Villegas at (former certificated substitutes).

Mandatory Trainings


Child Abuse Mandated Reporter and Sexual Harassment Training

As a condition of employment, each employee is required to provide proof of Child Abuse-Mandated Reporter Training per California Education Code 44691 (b) (2), proof of sexual harassment training per Senate Bill 1343, and proof of Workplace Violence training per Senate Bill 553 every year.
If this is your first time on ASCIP E-Learning, please click ASCIP E-Learning Self-Registration and click Self Register. Enter your first name, last name, YOU MUST SELECT Non-Management in the New Hire field in order to be assigned the correct trainings.
Enter your District email address if you have one or your PERSONAL EMAIL in the Username field and click Save. Your account will be reviewed by your district administrator and approved within 24 hours.
Once your account is approved, you’ll receive a Welcome email, click on the link within 24 hours to set up your password and log into your account.   You will see the one required Lesson Plan, titled New Employee Trainings that includes the four required training courses, and the training courses themselves on your dashboard:  Mandated Reporter AB1432/AB2274, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination – California employees (SB1343),  and Training for Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (SB 553).  You can either click on View Details for the Lesson Plan, titled New Employee Trainings, to complete all four required training courses or you can click Start for each of the four required training courses.  Once you’ve completed all four training courses, the Lesson Plan will also show as completed.  Please go to My Completions, click on the certificate of completions icon to the right, save or print your certificates of completion, and submit the certificates to Human Resources.  If you need help accessing your ASCIP online training, please contact the ASCIP Help Desk by clicking on the question mark in the upper right corner when logged into your account, or Submit a Helpdesk Ticket on the log in page or email or call (562) 404-8029..
If you have recently received an email after March 1st from with the link and have set up your password, please log in at
If you already have an account and haven’t received an email after March 1st from with the link, please DO NOT set up a new account.  Please go to and click on Submit a Help Desk Ticket, select login assistance for reason, and enter never received the link to log in, in the description field.

AB 2534 New Hires - Employee Initiated Process/Employment Verification

New Certificated Employee
  Register for an Employee Account
  • Start by using this link to get registered!
    • Here is a step-by-step process on how to register and make the request from your former employer(s). Be sure to list Bonita Unified School District - CA as your "Hiring Employer".
    • Substitute teachers only need to select the AB 2534 form.
  If you need any assistance during this process, reach out to



Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities for permanent positions may be available in Bonita Unified School District in the areas of certificated, classified, and management. All applications are accepted only through
Complete the Classified Substitute packet and return it to the Bonita Unified School District Human Resources Development Department. 
Substitute teaching applications are currently closed. Please check back periodically for updates on when they will reopen.

Substitute packets are accepted at the District Office Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Certificated & Management Employment


Certificated & Management Employment

Certificated employment includes all positions in the District which require certification from the State of California except for certificated management positions. This category includes teaching positions, student service coordinators (counselors), and nurses.

Management employment includes certificated management, classified management and confidential classified positions. Certificated management positions require certification by the State of California which authorizes administrative service.

For information contact:
Jane Lamb
Administrative Assistant, Human Resources Development
Phone: (909) 971-8200 Ext. 5401

Foothill Consortium Induction Program


Foothill Consortium Induction Program

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requires all teachers and administrators holding a Preliminary Credential to be enrolled in a Commission approved California Teacher/Administrator Induction Program. Bonita Unified School District is a part of the Foothill Consortium California Teacher and Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Induction Program which supports new teachers in Bonita USD as well as those in West Covina, Charter Oak, Claremont and Glendora Unified School Districts to earn their Clear Credential. Foothill Consortium is committed to providing meaningful, job embedded induction experience for all enrolled candidates. Through collaboration with a trained mentor, induction candidates will receive assistance with all aspects of their classroom and leadership practice.
For further information, including the Program Handbooks, please visit

Classified Employment & Paraprofessional Testing


Classified Employment & Paraprofessional Testing

Classified employment includes all jobs in the District which do not require a credential. Included are paraeducators, clerical, custodial, skilled trades, maintenance, food services, school-age care, transportation, computer information services, purchasing, payroll, and security.
All Paraeducators, Paraeducator-Bilingual, Paraeducator-Specialized Services I & II, and School Age Care employees, must meet the following requirements to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):
Possession of a High School Diploma or equivalent AND any one of the following:
    * Completion of 2 years of college at an Accredited Institution of Higher Education (48 units)
    * Possession of an Associate's Degree or higher degree
    * Passage of both sections of the CBEST
    * Passage of a BUSD-approved Paraprofessional Exam
BUSD will offer a Paraprofessional Exam at the District office. Check the 2025 Paraprofessional Testing Schedule for dates & times.
Email Ivanna Salazar to schedule your test date. 
Click here to access the Paraprofessional Study Guide.
For information contact:
Carla LaBreau-Gately
Personnel Analyst-Classified
Phone: (909) 971-8200 Ext. 5402
Fax: (909) 971-8349

Employee Assistance Service for Education


Employee Assistance Service for Education

EASE (Employee Assistance Service for Education) is an assessment and grief counseling service to employees and their families.  In addition EASE provides consultation to managers and supervisors on dealing with emotional issues in the workplace.  Please refer to the link for additional information or call the 24/7 access line 1-800-882-1341.
The District has partnered with Care Solace to promote the health, safety, and well-being of our staff. Care Solace is an online resource to assist staff and their families connect with community-based mental healthcare resources and providers. To access Care Solace services visit, or call (888) 515-0595.



Substitute Calling System

Frontline (AESOP) Substitute System
Phone: (800) 942-3767
Want to Learn More About AESOP?
For Classified/Certificated employee and substitute questions regarding the AESOP system, please call the substitute desk at (909) 971-8200 Ext.5403.
AESOP Training Videos
Quick Start Guides